
ReliefWeb results

Burkina Faso + 13 more

Health Action in Crises - Highlights No. 189 - 31 Dec 2007 to 06 Jan 2008

Each week, the World Health Organization Health Action in Crises in Geneva produces information highlights on critical health-related activities in countries where there are humanitarian crises. Drawing on the various WHO programmes, contributions cover activities from field and country offices…

Burkina Faso

Le bulletin d'information sur la sécurité alimentaire au Burkina Faso - n° 12, octobre, novembre, décembre 07

Provinces déficitaires, des vivres à 9000 fcfa le sac Quinze provinces sur les quarante cinq de notre pays sont déficitaires pour cette campagne agricole 2006-2007, malgré l'excédent prévisionnel de 777 217 tonnes. D'ores et déjà les prix des céréales dans certaines localités…

Situation Report
Govt. Burkina Faso
31 Dec 2007

Burkina Faso + 4 more

Africa floods

Flooding across Africa in August and September washed away homes, crops and livestock, leaving hundreds of thousands in urgent need of food and shelter. Thanks to the generous support of Christian Aid's supporters we raised £153,000/€210,000. This, in addition to…

News and Press Release
Christian Aid
27 Dec 2007

Burkina Faso + 4 more

West Africa: Slight drop in malnutrition but food remains scarce

DAKAR, 18 December 2007 (IRIN) - With levels of malnutrition in West Africa slightly lower in 2007 than the previous year, the overall amount of money aid organizations are requesting from donors for the 2008 Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP)…

News and Press Release
18 Dec 2007

Burkina Faso + 2 more

Afrique Verte - Actualités - No. 48 - décembre 2007

Un marché céréalier dans l’expectative Le Comité Permanent inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel (CILSS) et le Club du Sahel et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CSAO/OCDE) ont organisé la 23ème réunion annuelle du Réseau de…

Burkina Faso + 3 more

Africa's leaders must fulfill pledge to cut appalling child death rate

Today, on the day thatthe AU/EU summit opens,more than 13,000 African children under the age of five will die, most from easily preventable illnesses, Save the Children said. Save the Childrencalled on African leaders to fulfil their promises made in…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
6 Dec 2007

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