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Burkina Faso + 11 more

Despite progress, West Africa faces challenges in consolidating peace - Ban

Although West Africa has made strides towards shoring up peace, the region must still overcome such obstacles as youth unemployment, rapid urbanization and irregular migration, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a new report made public today. 'Significant progress has been made in…

News and Press Release
UN News
3 Jul 2008

Burkina Faso

Des semences pour affronter la crise alimentaire au Burkina Faso

Un programme d'urgence a été mis en place de février à mai pour aider à atténuer les effets de l'envolée des prix alimentaires. - Le programme a distribué 3 500 tonnes de semences améliorées de mil, de sorgho, de maïs,…

News and Press Release
World Bank
3 Jul 2008

Burkina Faso

Seeds to fight food crisis in Burkina Faso

Emergency program ran February to May to help mitigate the harshness of rising food prices - The program distributed 3,500 tons of improved millet, sorghum, maize, beans, and rice seeds to 140,000 households in 302 rural communities Burkina Faso is a…

News and Press Release
World Bank
2 Jul 2008

Burkina Faso + 17 more

Price Watch: Urban Food Markets in FEWS NET Countries - Jun 2008

Introduction to this new FEWS NET report: High food and fuel prices represent a relatively new global food security threat, especially in urban areas, and especially on the urban poor. To more closely monitor its evolution, FEWS NET is…

Situation Report
30 Jun 2008

Burkina Faso + 5 more

Food Security Information Note FOSIN - Jun 2008: Food Situation in the Sahel and West Africa

Could a forecasted satisfactory rainy season ease the hike in food commodity prices during the upcoming 2008 lean period? 1. Outlook for the 2008-09 agricultural season favourable The African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD) forecasts favourable agro-meteorological conditions for the…

Burkina Faso + 7 more

AGRHYMET Newsletter No.3 - Juin 2008

Les prévisions saisonnières des pluies et des débits des fleuves en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRESAO) de juillet à septembre 2008. Les prévisions saisonnières des pluies et des débits des fleuves en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRESAO) sont organisées chaque année depuis 1998…

Burkina Faso + 7 more

Afrique de l'Ouest : OCHA rapport de situation mensuel, 30 juin 2008

FAITS MARQUANTS - Sénégal : 2,1 millions de personnes vulnérables à l'insécurité alimentaire - Mali : le gouvernement durcit le ton contre la rébellion dans le nord - Guinée : Près de 10 morts lors des affrontements policiers-militaires - Burkina Faso : Près…

Burkina Faso + 6 more

Food Security Information Note FOSIN - Jun 2008: Forecasts indicate favorable as season

1. Outlook for the 2008-09 agricultural season Favourable The African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD) forecasts favourable agro-meteorological conditions for the beginning of the 2008-09 agricultural campaign for the Sahel and West Africa. If these forecasts hold, the 2008…

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