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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Le PAM lance sa première distribution de bons d'achat en Afrique

Ouagadougou, 13 février 2009 - Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial des Nations Unies (PAM) lance aujourd'hui sa première opération de distribution de bons d'achats alimentaires en Afrique, utilisant ainsi un nouvel outil destiné à lutter contre la faim en milieu urbain,…

News and Press Release
13 Feb 2009

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: US$ 61 Million for Road Rehabilitation

Tunis, 11 February 2009 - The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group has approved a combined loan and grant of 41 million Units of Account (UA*) equivalent to US$ 61 million, to finance the rehabilitation…

News and Press Release
11 Feb 2009

Burkina Faso

In Brief: Measles outbreak in Burkina Faso

OUAGADOUGOU, 11 February 2009 (IRIN) - A measles outbreak in Burkina Faso since late January has affected more than 400 people nationwide and led to at least one recorded death, officials from the Ministry of Health told IRIN. "This is…

News and Press Release
11 Feb 2009

Burkina Faso + 12 more

United Nations Central Emergency Fund allocates $75 million to 14 underfunded crises

(New York: 6 February) - The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, John Holmes, today allocated some $75 million to boost humanitarian response in 14 chronically neglected emergencies where people are daily dying of hunger, malnutrition, disease, and conflict around the…

News and Press Release
6 Feb 2009

Burkina Faso + 4 more

Commission decision of on the approval and financing of a Global Plan for humanitarian operations in West Africa from the general budget of the European Communities

ECHO/-WF/BUD/2009/01000 THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 of 20 June 1996 concerning humanitarian aid(1), and in particular Articles 2 and 15(2) thereof, Whereas: (1) The global…

Burkina Faso + 4 more

Décision de la Commission du relative à l'approbation et au financement d'un Plan Global pour des Actions humanitaires sur le budget général des Communautés européennes en Afrique de l'ouest

(ECHO/-WF/BUD/2009/01000) LA COMMISSION DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES, vu le traité instituant la Communauté européenne, Vu le règlement (CE) No.1257/96 du 20 juin 1996 concernant l'aide humanitaire1, et en particulier ses articles 2 et 15, paragraphe 2, considérant ce qui suit: (1) Le niveau du taux…

Burkina Faso + 5 more

OFID provides US$118.8 million to boost development efforts

06/2009 February 3, 2009 Vienna, Austria - Eleven developing countries in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean are to benefit from fresh financing extended by the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). The loans were signed on behalf of OFID by…

News and Press Release
3 Feb 2009

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