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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso Food Security Outlook Update - November 2011

Unseasonable rise in market prices According to preliminary estimates by the joint CILSS/FAO/FEWSNET/WFP/ Government harvest assessment mission, the 2011/2012 crop year resulted in nationwide grain production 13 percent below last year and close to the five-year average. Poor…

Burkina Faso + 1 more

New water reservoirs will help prevent drought and famine

In order to ensure food production in the arid Burkina Faso you need to be able to store water between the rain periods. The small-scale water reservoirs are therefore important for people in rural areas and…

News and Press Release
17 Nov 2011

Burkina Faso

"Blue revolution" needed to boost dry-season harvest

OUAGADOUGOU, 17 November 2011 (IRIN) - The Burkina Faso government is attempting for the first time to implement a nationwide dry-season agricultural campaign to counteract possible food insecurity in areas that received poor or erratic rainfall…

News and Press Release
17 Nov 2011

Burkina Faso

Mosquito nets save lives: Malaria prevention in Burkina Faso

31 October, 2011: As part of Plan’s partnership with the Global Fund, malaria prevention is a key priority and Plan in Burkina Faso is no stranger to encouraging people to use bed nets. 7.6 million long-lasting, insecticide-impregnated…

News and Press Release
Plan International
4 Nov 2011

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Floods Emergency appeal no. MDRBF010 Final Report

Period covered by this Final Report: 09 August 2010 to 30 April, 2011. Appeal target (current): CHF 2,803,535 Appeal coverage: 20%; Appeal history: This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 11 October, 2010 for CHF 2,803,535 for six months…

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