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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso : Les atrocités des groupes armés islamistes se multiplient

Exécutions sommaires, pillages et incendies criminels sont commis en toute impunité (Nairobi) – Des groupes armés islamistes au Burkina Faso ont tué des dizaines de civils, pillé et incendié des biens, et forcé des milliers de personnes…

News and Press Release
15 Jun 2023

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Upsurge in Atrocities by Islamist Armed Groups

Summary Killings, Looting, Arson Committed with Impunity (Nairobi) – Islamist armed groups in Burkina Faso have killed scores of civilians, looted and burned property, and forced thousands to flee in attacks across the country since late 2022,…

News and Press Release
15 Jun 2023

Burkina Faso

“There isn’t a single pain we haven’t gone through”

The story of Aïssatou, displaced four times in four years During the last five years, the conflict in Burkina Faso has killed around 15,000 people and uprooted more than 2 million from their homes. For a growing…

News and Press Release
13 Jun 2023

Burkina Faso + 7 more

Trafficking in the Sahel: Muzzling the illicit arms trade

Shoppers in Mali’s Gao, Timbuktu, and Ménaka regions can snap up AK-pattern assault rifles for $750 and cartridges for 70 cents apiece, from locally handcrafted pistols to smuggled French and Turkish machine guns, as a dizzying…

News and Press Release
UN News
10 Jun 2023

Burkina Faso

Burkina faso: Actions en faveur des populations affectées par les violences armées - Bulletin d’information (janvier-avril 2023)

Depuis plusieurs années, le Burkina Faso fait face à de nombreux défis sécuritaires et humanitaires. Les civils sont particulièrement affectés par les violences armées récurrentes, ce qui engendre d’importants déplacements de populations, une vulnérabilité accrue de…

Burkina Faso + 2 more

Humanitarian Protection in the Liptako-Gourma Region: Local Protection Mechanisms and Humanitarian Response - Field Research Conducted in the Liptako-Gourma Region (August - September 2020)

By Dr Virginie Baudais, Dr Shourjya Deb, Frédéric Baele, Prof. Tiéman Diarra, Dr Oumarou Hamani and Dr Thomas Ouédraogo Located at the borders of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, the Liptako-Gourma region is the new epicentre of…

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