
ReliefWeb results

Burkina Faso

FEWS Burkina Faso Food Security Outlook Oct 2009 to Mar 2010

During this lean period, poor households are experiencing difficult food security conditions in the livestock and millet farming livelihood zones (zones 6, 7, 8), the cereals/vegetables/ groundnut livelihood zone, and in Boulkiemdé province in the sorghum/millet/ cotton livelihood zone, which…

Burkina Faso + 3 more

West Africa - Floods Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2009

BUREAU FOR DEMOCRACY, CONFLICT, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (DCHA) OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (OFDA) BACKGROUND AND KEY DEVELOPMENTS - Heavy seasonal rains and associated flooding have killed more than 180 people and affected more than 600,000 others in West Africa since June…

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso : Inondations Rapport de Situation No. 6

Ce rapport de situation est produit par OCHA-ROWA et couvre la période du 22 au 28 septembre 2009. I. Faits saillants - La mission UNDAC a pris fin le 18 septembre - Création de deux nouveaux comités de gestion des…

Burkina Faso

Humanitarian emergency aid for flood victims in Burkina Faso

With regard to significant human and property loss in Burkina Faso caused by recent floods across West Africa, the Government of the Republic of Korea has decided to provide 100,000 dollars in emergency aid in order to support flood…

News and Press Release
Govt. Rep. Korea
24 Sep 2009

Burkina Faso + 15 more

Fonds central d'intervention pour les urgences humanitaires - Rapport du Secrétaire général (A/64/327)

Soixante-quatrième session Point 72 a) de l'ordre du jour provisoire** Renforcement de la coordination de l'aide humanitaire et des secours en cas de catastrophe fournis par les organismes des Nations Unies, y compris l'assistance économique spéciale : renforcement de la coordination…

Burkina Faso

Surprise flooding in Burkina Faso destroys homes of the poorest

AKRON, Pa. - When Levy Madjibe visits victims of flooding in the capital of Burkina Faso, he hears the same story repeatedly - "I was surprised by the water, and I've lost everything." The rainstorm that dropped 12 inches of water…

News and Press Release
16 Sep 2009

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