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Burkina Faso + 2 more

Global Emergency Overview Weekly Picks, 4 April 2019

Burkina Faso On 31 March, a religious leader and members of his family were killed by armed men in Soum province, sparking intercommunal violence and leading to the death of at least 62 people. The events have been…

4 Apr 2019

Burkina Faso

50 blocs de latrines et douches construits pour les déplacés de Foubé

Dans le cadre de l’assistance apportée aux populations déplacées suite à la crise de Yirgou, la CRBF et son partenaire l’UNICEF ont réalisé des ouvrages d’assainissement au profit des populations déplacées internes (PDIs). Pour permettre leur…

News and Press Release
Croix-Rouge Burkinabè
4 Apr 2019

Burkina Faso + 1 more

WFP Burkina Faso Country Brief, March 2019

In Numbers 442 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 712,992 cash-based transfers made US$ 41.4 m six months net funding requirements (April -September 2019), representing 55% of total 182,014 people assisted in March 2019 Operational Updates • Assistance to refugees: WFP continues…

Burkina Faso + 1 more

UNHCR Burkina Faso Country Operation Update - March 2019

POPULATION OF CONCERN 144 792 FUNDING (AS OF FEBRUARY 2019) USD 20,7 Million KEY INDICATORS 24,650 Malian refugees in a protracted refugee situation of which 98% are residing in the conflict-affected Sahel region 20,7 million USD Needed as of February 2019 115 310 Persons internally displaced…

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