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Burkina Faso

Bulletin n°02 du Groupe Humanitaire Sectoriel Santé Octobre - Novembre 2019

POINTS SAILLANTS L’amplification de l’insécurité a entrainé des mouvements quasi-permanents des populations, environ un demi-million de personnes se sont déplacées dans les treize régions du Burkina Faso. Départ massif des agents de santé des deux districts sanitaires accueillant…

Situation Report
WHO, Health Cluster
12 Dec 2019

Burkina Faso + 1 more

Burkina Faso: UNHCR Operational Update, October 2019

KEY INDICATORS 16,000 Estimation of number of Burkinabe citizens who have looked for safety in neighboring countries 56,000 Number of birth certificates UNHCR has helped to deliver to IDPs and host communities since January 2019. 486,360 people forced to…

Burkina Faso + 1 more

Humanitarian Action for Children 2020 - Burkina Faso

The humanitarian situation in Burkina Faso was one of the fastest growing crises of 2019. The number of violent security incidents significantly increased compared with previous years,1 and inter-community conflicts have added another complex dimension to…

Burkina Faso

Des volontaires sensibilisent sur l’hygiène en milieu scolaire

Les activités de routine des volontaires du comité d’arrondissement n°03 de la commune de Ouagadougou ont été marquées par une vaste opération de sensibilisation des élèves de 03 écoles secondaires. Les messages de promotion de l’hygiène…

News and Press Release
Croix-Rouge Burkinabè
3 Dec 2019

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Situation Report - 29 Nov 2019

Highlights Burkina Faso is grappling with an unprecedented humanitarian emergency due to a sudden escalation of violence 1.5 million people need humanitarian assistance. More than 486,000 people have been uprooted from their homes. A six-fold increase since the start…

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso : Rapport de situation - 29 nov 2019

FAITS SAILLANTS Le Burkina Faso est confronté à une crise humanitaire sans précédent liée à une augmentation soudaine de violences. 1,5 million de personnes auront besoin d'assistance humanitaire. Plus de 486 000 personnes ont été forcées de quitter leurs…

Burkina Faso + 3 more

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 28 November 2019

Burkina Faso Access to Mentao camp in Burkina Faso's Northern Sahel region is increasingly hampered according to UNHCR, who were forced to temporarily relocate their staff away from the camp. The schools in the camps have all closed…

News and Press Release
28 Nov 2019

Burkina Faso

Assessment Report Burkina Faso: Expansion

INTRODUCTION AND JUSTIFICATION Since July 2018, Burkina Faso has started to see an increase in violent incidents involving militant groups causing internal displacement in the North, Sahel, Central-North and East regions. After conducting a needs assessment in…

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