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Burkina Faso

PSF Rhône-Alpes, un bilan d'action au Burkina-Faso

Le sous-développement de la région d'Oula Depuis sept ans, la délégation Rhône-alpine de Pharmaciens Sans Frontières travaille dans la région d'Oula au Burkina Faso. Dans ce département du nord du pays, la population d'environ 50 000 personnes fait face à…

News and Press Release
14 Oct 2010

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Floods Emergency appeal no. MDRB010

This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 2,803,535 (USD 2,701,942 or EUR 2,136,515) in cash, kind, or services to support the Burkinabe Red Cross Society (BRCS) to assist 80,000 beneficiaries considered to be amongst the most vulnerable out of more than…

Burkina Faso

Inondations au Burkina Faso 2010 - Rapport de situation #3

Ce rapport de situation couvre la période du 1er au 30 septembre 2010. I. Evénements clés - 105 481 personnes affectées et 15 morts suite à de fortes pluies en juillet - Le Centre Nord et l'Est, les régions les plus affectées…

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso Emergency Humanitarian Action Plan 2010

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The floods which occurred in Burkina Faso during the months of July and August 2010 affected an estimated 105,481 people in five regions and caused severe damage to key socio-economic infrastructures such as homes, bridges, roads,…

Burkina Faso + 7 more

West Africa Sahel Region: Appeal No. MAA61004, Mid-Year Report

This report covers the period 01/January/2010 to 30/June/2010. In brief Programme outcome: In line with the Strategy 2020, the IFRC Sahel Regional Representation' disaster management (DM) programme effectively supports Sahel National Societies (NS) programming focusing on disaster risk reduction (DRR) including adaptation to…

Burkina Faso

CERF allocates $2 million for flood-affected people in Burkina Faso

27 August 2010: In response to the severe flooding affecting over 105,000 people in the country, CERF allocates nearly $2 million to humanitarian agencies in Burkina Faso. The World Food Programme (WFP) will use $721,000 to provide food assistance for…

News and Press Release
27 Aug 2010

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