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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso - Forced Displacement (DG ECHO, UN)(ECHO Daily Flash of 11 July 2019)

Recurring violent attacks and increased insecurity continue to provoke forced displacement and humanitarian needs in several regions of Burkina Faso. Latest figures reveal that over 219,000 people are now internally displaced, of which 172,000 people became…

News and Press Release
11 Jul 2019

Burkina Faso

WFP Burkina Faso Emergency Response Situation Report #1 27 June 2019

In Numbers 1.2 million people affected (OCHA Humanitarian Response Plan) 172,487 people displaced (CONASUR – June 2019) 688,000 people in need of food assistance (Cadre Harmonisé- March 2019) 53,200 IDPs planned to be assisted by WFP in June Highlights • USD 35.4…

Burkina Faso + 1 more

WFP Burkina Faso Country Brief, May 2019

In Numbers 604 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 136,653 cash-based transfers made US$ 43 m six months net funding requirements (June-November 2019) 101,519 people assisted in May 2019 Operational Updates • Assistance to refugees: Due to persistent insecurity in Mali, over 25,000…

Burkina Faso + 5 more

Urgence Humanitaire Sans Précédent Dans le Sahel

Dakar, 27 juin 2019 - Les agences des Nations unies et les ONG internationales humanitaires ont averti aujourd'hui que l’escalade de la violence armée dans le Sahel engendre des déplacements forcés et des urgences humanitaires de…

News and Press Release
27 Jun 2019

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