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Burkina Faso

Entretiens avec Kassim Malle, UNHCR et Lionel Ouedraogo, co-lead du CWG Burkina

Dans cette interview, nous faisons un point sur les transferts monétaires au Burkina. La situation humanitaire préoccupante a entrainé un grand nombre de déplacés internes, mettant ainsi en évidence les gaps en matière de coordination. Nous…

News and Press Release
CALP Network
18 Sep 2019

Burkina Faso + 1 more

West Africa Enhanced Market Analysis - September 2017

Executive Summary This FEWS NET Enhanced Market Analysis (EMA) report presents findings to inform regular market monitoring and analysis in the Centre-Nord and Est Regions of Burkina Faso and the Maradi and Zinder Regions of Niger. This…

Burkina Faso

Cash for Assets in Burkina Faso: Building Community Resilience

The World Food Programme's Cash for Assets (CFA) programmes bring immediate benefits to vulnerable communities In 2013, in the community of Ekoulkoala, in the central-western area of the country, about 1,050 people (175 households) cleared 14 hectares…

News and Press Release
25 Feb 2015

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