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Bangladesh's fishermen struggle as cyclone threat grows

By Rafiqul Islam Kept at home by an increase in storm warnings, fishermen are struggling to feed their families HATIYA, Bangladesh, March 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Abul Kalam Maji has been catching fish in the Bay of…

News and Press Release
Thomson Reuters Foundation
8 Mar 2019

Bangladesh + 2 more

United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Rohingya Refugees

Office of Press Relations Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email: press@usaid.gov This week, the United States announced more than $45 million in additional humanitarian assistance to meet the urgent needs of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. This funding brings the total…

News and Press Release
6 Mar 2019

Bangladesh + 2 more

Bangladesh: Food Assistance Fact Sheet - March 3, 2019

Recurring natural disasters, such as floods and cyclones, continue to exacerbate poverty-related issues, including food insecurity and malnutrition, in many parts of the country. A massive influx of refugees from Burma into Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar District,…

News and Press Release
4 Mar 2019


Bangladesh: Cyclone Early Action Protocol summary

The IFRC Forecast based Action (FbA) by the DREF Fund has approved a total allocation of CHF 182,996 from its Forecast-based Action (FbA) mechanism for the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society. The approved amount consists of an…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Rohingya Refugee Response | Monthly Snapshot (January 2019)

2019: A YEAR IN TRANSITION In August 2017, a sudden influx of large numbers of Rohingya refugees, called for an immediate large-scale humanitarian response of a life-saving nature by WFP. WFP provided with unconditional in-kind food assistance, an…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Bangladesh: Rohingya Refugee Response | Situation Report #23 (20 February 2019)

In Numbers 725,000 refugee arrivals since August 2017. 15,247 refugee arrival since January 2018. During January: 872,572 refugees received food assistance 143,749 families received in-kind food 42,943 families received e-voucher assistance Highlights • 2019 Joint Response Plan launched: The appeal seeks to raise US$…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Bangladesh Country Brief, January 2019

In Numbers 12,772 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 3.64 m cash-based transfers made US$ 47.6 m six months (Feb 2019 - July 2019) net funding requirements for CSP 1.3 m people assisted in December 2018 WFP Rohingya refugee response in…

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