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Bangladesh + 1 more

OFID supports UNHCR relief operations in Bangladesh

Vienna, Austria, October 20, 2017. The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) has approved an emergency assistance grant to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to help fund ongoing humanitarian operations in Bangladesh,…

News and Press Release
10 Nov 2017

Bangladesh + 1 more

WASH Sector Cox's Bazar Situation Report, 5 November 2017

KEY FIGURES 1.2 Million in need of immediate WASH support • Overall target* for the WASH Sector: 1,166,000 individuals • Number of people reached** with WASH assistance to date: 520,800 individuals • Total approx. gap for the WASH Sector: 645,200…

Bangladesh + 1 more

UNHCR Bangladesh Operational Update, 3 November 2017

Since 25 August 2017, refugees, including women, children and the elderly fled Rakhine State in Myanmar. Many walked days to reach Bangladesh. The majority of the newly arrived settled in/around existing camps and/or host communities. Services and infrastructure…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Humanitarian programme for forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh - Situation Report - 6 November 2017

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 609,000 people have arrived since 25 August 4,000 crossed the border in the past week 1.2 million require immediate humanitarian assistance, including earlier arriving Myanmar nationals and vulnerable members of host communities In the past…

Bangladesh + 12 more

Without Borders: Issue 37 October – December 2017

The flight of the Rohingya has caught the world’s attention. Since 25 August, more than half a million men, women and children fled from one country to another in search of safety and respite. The conditions of…

News and Press Release
7 Nov 2017

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