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Bangladesh: Cyclone SIDR 2007 SitRep No. 21

Cry for food and shelter under the open sky CURRENT SITUATION The extent of damage caused by the super cyclone SIDR that swept through Bangladesh Coast on 15 November 2007 could not be established as reports of losses from remote areas…


Bangladesh Cyclone SIDR Situation Report - External 17 Nov 2007

Deaths 1200 reported and rapidly rising Missing Close to 1500 Population in most directly devastated areas 700,000 combined Estimated no of affected population 3.2 million People in shelters 1 million Affected districts 21 Districts (15 coastal+6 other districts touched on the cyclone path) Latest Update The official figures of deaths…


Bangladesh: Cyclone Sidr Emergency Appeal no. MDRBD003

GLIDE TC-2007-000208-BGD This Preliminary Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 3,989,305 (USD 3.5m or EUR 2.4m) in cash, kind, or services to support the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) to assist 47,000 families (or 235,000 beneficiaries) for 9 months. CHF 250,000 was allocated…


Bangladesh: Cyclone 2007 SitRep No. 20

INITIAL REPORT!!! Cyclone SIDR kills hundreds in Barisal and Khulna Division SNAPSHOT - Hundreds of people killed in Barguna, Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Bagerhat and Khulna - Road communication snapped due to blockade by the uprooted trees in many areas - Power supply…


Press conference on Bangladesh cyclone

Early warning, tracking of the storm path and implementation of preparedness measures had contributed to saving lives when "Super-Cyclone Sidr" had hit land the previous night in Bangladesh as the worst storm there since 1991, it was stated today…

News and Press Release
16 Nov 2007

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