Cartes / Infographies

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Bangladesh: Improved Flood Response (16 Nov 2007)

On November 15 Cyclone Sidr slammed the highly vulnerable low lying densely populated coastal areas of Bangladesh with heavy rain, winds of up to 120 miles/hr, and a storm surge. Sidr, a category five tropical cyclone,…


Estimated Population Density over Bangladesh (as of 2004)

This map provides a basic overview of the populated areas, infrastructure. These population estimates have been obtained from the LandScan 2004 global dataset. This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field.


Map of Flood Water over Bangladesh

This map illustrates satellite detected flood water over the affected areas of Bangladesh. Those areas likely covered with flood water as of 2-5 August 2007 are shown in red and are distinguished from pre-flood water levels (in blue) as…


Bangladesh: Location Map (2007)

Written permission is not required for the use and reproduction of this map as allowed by statutory exemptions (e.g. UN-affiliated or partner nongovernmental organizations, United Nations Associations, UN System organizations including Specialized Agencies) or Fair Use. It applies solely…

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