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Bangladesh + 1 more

Bulletin: Rohingya and host communities - Social cohesion (January 2019)

Summary findings This thematic bulletin on social cohesion presents findings and recommendations based on Ground Truth Solutions’ (GTS) surveys conducted with 943 Rohingya and 451 locals in Bangladesh. The survey, carried out in late 2018, was administered…

Ground Truth Solutions
11 Mar 2019

Bangladesh + 1 more

IOM Needs and Population Monitoring: Site Management Category 1 Incident Assessment and Reporting | Survey Analysis: May-November 2018

INTRODUCTION Following a military crackdown in August 2017 in Rakhine State, Myanmar, an estimated 700,000 Rohingya refugees fled to Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh. Previous influxes were recorded in October 2016, when approximately 87,000 people crossed into Bangladesh,…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Water, sanitation and hygiene assessment – Monsoon follow-up, Cox’s Bazar – Rohingya Refugee Response Report - October 2018

SUMMARY Since August 2017, an estimated 727,000 Rohingya refugees have arrived in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar District from Myanmar, bringing the total number residing in Bangladesh to approximately 907,000.1 The quick influx of refugees coupled with the unplanned…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Multi sectoral needs assessment in host communities - preliminary findings

General Objective: To inform evidence-based strategic planning of humanitarian response activities by the ISCG, sectors, and sector partners, through the provision of up-to-date, relevant and comparable information on the multi-sectoral needs of host community populations across areas…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Follow-up Assessment Monsoon Season (August - October 2018) - All Camps, Ukhia & Teknaf Upazilas, Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh

Overview & Methodology Since August 2017, an estimated 727,000 Rohingya refugees have arrived in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar District from Myanmar, bringing the total number residing in Bangladesh to approximately 921,000.1 The unplanned and spontaneous nature of the…

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