Accountability to Affected People (AAP) & Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)


Accountability to Affected People (AAP) is an active commitment by aid agencies to use power responsibly to take account of, give account to, and be held to account by the people they seek to assist.  Systematic and coordinated community engagement ensures that aid responses and programming are accountable to affected people. In this light, system-wide accountability is essential to meeting organisational and collective commitments as outlined by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), the Grand Bargain Participation Revolution (Workstream 6) and the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS).

AAP and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) are intrinsically linked, since SEA is the most severe abuse of accountability to people in need. Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) refers to measures taken to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse. These measures aim to ensure safe and accessible reporting, good quality assistance for survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse, and enhanced accountability among organizations, including in investigations into allegations of SEA.

Humanitarian, development and peace-building actors in these areas need to work closely together on overlapping interests and activities, to share best practices and learn from each other.  The AAP/PSEA Regional Working Group aims to advocate and support the mainstreaming and integration of AAP and PSEA into all sectors of humanitarian, preparedness and development programs, in line with global guidelines. 

AAP Regional Advisor: Heber Rocha Costa,

Regional Inter-Agency PSEA Coordinator: Pamela Marie Godoy,

Key Documents

IASC Statement on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment

IASC Statement on PSEAH
Statement by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment | 30 July 2024

We, the IASC Principals, re-affirm our determination to achieve our vision of a humanitarian environment in which people caught up in crises are safe, respected, and can access needed protection and assistance without fear of sexual exploitation or abuse (SEA) by any aid worker and in which aid workers themselves feel supported, respected, and empowered to deliver assistance free from sexual harassment.

We recognize that sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH) occurs everywhere and is a symptom of power imbalances that are particularly acute in humanitarian contexts and even greater for those who are systematically marginalized. Given the gender dimensions of SEA and sexual harassment, we will therefore strengthen the role of women, girls and people at risk as key partners and accelerate work to increase accountability of the aid community to the affected people. We will protect those reporting SEA and sexual harassment. 

We will redouble our efforts to ensure that all our staff and affiliated personnel are aware of, and comply with, their rights to, and their responsibilities in maintaining, a workplace free of discrimination, exploitation, harassment or abuse. We will be even more proactive in improving diversity and gender parity in all our organizations, especially at the frontlines of programme delivery and at the most senior levels.

We recognize our leadership responsibility to strengthen the humanitarian community’s resolve to protect from SEA and sexual harassment to create a system of collective accountability, and we commit to provide the necessary resources to prevent and address this wrongdoing.

Read the full statement here


Call for Applications: Interagency Community Outreach and Communication Fund on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

Interagency Community Outreach and Communication Fund on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA

UNHCR and International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) are pleased to announce the launch of the fifth round of the Interagency Community Outreach and Communication Fund on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA). 

Raising community-awareness on the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) by aid workers and available reporting channels is critical to preventing sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as to ensuring that those affected know where and how to safely report sexual exploitation and abuse when it does take place. Local stakeholders have noted the need for effective, updated information, education and communication materials on PSEA that are tailored to local cultural contexts, operational realities, the groups that are most at risk, and which take into account aspects like languages, literacy, age and capacity. 

To support NGOs in meeting these needs, the PSEA Outreach Fund will provide rapid, targeted financial support to NGOs to develop and disseminate PSEA outreach and communication materials, and to make the materials developed through the Fund available to all stakeholders for their further use or adaptation.

The online application form can be accessed on the PSEA Outreach Fund website and the form is available in 3 languages - English, French and Spanish.

Application deadline is 12 August 2024 CoB CEST.

The selection of grantees will be carried by a Steering Group of experts from NGOs and UN agencies. For queries, please contact


CALL FOR INPUTS: UN Secretary-General's Bulletin on PSEA (Deadline: 7 July 2024)

The office of Christian Saunders, the United Nations Office of Special Coordinator for Improving the UN’s Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OSCSEA), is inviting contributions from practitioners, academics, organizations, civil society and others, to review the Secretary-General’s Bulletin on Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, ST/SGB/2003/13.

Call for inputs to review and revise the UN Secretary-General Bulletin on PSEA

The revision aims to: 

  • Advance a victim/survivor-centered approach
  • Identify policy gaps 
  • Adopt the most effective approaches 
  • Align with recent thinking on these issues and UN policy change 
  • Clarify definitions and application

Please share your inputs on or before Sunday, 7 July 2024 (midnight EST) to and copying and 

The format/file to submit the inputs can be accessed using this link

ReliefWeb results


Engaging with Interagency Contingency Plans: Webinar Summary - An Introduction for Local and Women-Led Organizations (September 2023)

Emergency Preparedness Working Group, Asia Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group, Gender-based Violence in Emergencies Working Group, Accountability for Affected People Working Group, and the Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Network In an ever-changing world,…

Manual and Guideline
AP GiHA WG, Asia-Pacific AAP & PSEA Working Group, EPWG, GBV AoR
8 Feb 2024

Asia Pacific Inter-Agency PSEA Best Practices Bulletin December 2023

ReliefWeb results

Bangladesh + 7 more

Asia Pacific Inter-Agency PSEA: Good Practices Bulletin (December 2023)

Highlights • Malaysia - Mapping of complaints systems across UN Country Team with a view to strengthen communitybased complaints mechanisms • Indonesia - Regular townhalls and PSEA table-top exercise • Pakistan - Establishment of sub-national PSEA networks and collaboration…

News and Press Release
29 Dec 2023

AAP/PSEA Working Group Strategy 2023-2025

ReliefWeb results

Afghanistan + 38 more

Asia Pacific Regional AAP/PSEA Working Group Strategy 2023-2025

For the purposes of the AAP/PSEA Working Group, the Asia Pacific region covers over thirty countries and regions, representing a diverse range of challenges.1 Looking across the region, protracted crises, displacement, long-running internal conflict, natural disasters,…

Manual and Guideline
30 Jun 2023

AAP/PSEA Working Group Workplan 2024

ReliefWeb results

World + 16 more

IASC Asia Pacific Working Group on Accountability to Affected People and Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Workplan 2024

[Excerpt] Strategic workstream Advisory and technical advice to specific country networks Activities AAP Map needs and priorities of AAP focal points, with a focus on countries piloting or scaling up new AAP initiatives, such as: Philippines (ERC Flagship Initiatives) Afghanistan (Accountability minimum standards) Countries…

AAP/PSEA Working Group Terms of Reference

ReliefWeb results

Upcoming Events

Meeting Minutes

Brownbag sessions

PSEA Regional shared drive

PSEA Coordination Dashboard

AAP Collective Approaches

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