
ReliefWeb results


Nepal: COVID-19 mVAM Market Update #4 (27 - 31 July 2020)

HIGHLIGHTS Retail prices of food staples monitored in 15 major markets across the country remained relatively stable compared to June 2020, however an increase was observed for prices of meat and dairy products. Prices of fruit and…

Govt. Nepal, WFP
14 Sep 2020

Thailand + 9 more

COVID-19 Impact Assessment: Urban Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Thailand - Multi-sector Rapid Needs Assessment and Post-distribution Monitoring of Cash Support (July 2020)

Introduction The COVID-19 outbreak started in Thailand in midJanuary 2020. The pandemic has had a significant impact on all sectors of Thai society, including refugees and asylum-seekers. In the urban context, UNHCR has been working with a range…


Delta Rapid Market Assessment Report: Understanding the impacts of COVID-19 on rural smallholder farmers and food systems in the Ayeyarwady Delta

INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT The COVID-19 Pandemic is jeopardizing economies, healthcare, and food systems throughout Myanmar. Although the health effects will certainly be felt very strongly, it is expected that the negative economic impact on the most vulnerable will be…

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