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Afghanistan + 10 more

Start Fund Monthly Risk Bulletin (Issued 13 August 2021)

The monthly risk briefing reports on new, emerging or deteriorating situations; therefore, ongoing events that are considered to be unchanged are not featured and risks that are beyond the scope and scale of the Start Fund…


Climate Risk Country Profile - Bhutan

KEY MESSAGES • While data are limited, historical records indicate an increase in annual temperatures of just under 1°C over the 20th century in Bhutan, with daily minimum temperatures increasing at a greater pace than daily maximum…


Climate Risk Country Profile - Thailand

KEY MESSAGES • Observations show temperature increases across Thailand since the mid-20th century and an increase in annual precipitation. Most of this increase occurs during the wet season. • By the 2090s, the average temperature is projected to…


Climate Risk Country Profile - Cambodia

KEY MESSAGES • Cambodia is projected to experience warming of 3.1°C by the 2090s, against the baseline conditions over 1986–2005 under the highest emissions pathway, RCP8.5. • Increases in annual maximum and minimum temperatures are…


Climate Risk Country Profile - Philippines

KEY MESSAGES Historical temperatures show a warming trend since the mid-20th century, with average annual mean temperature increasing by approximately 0.6°C and a significant increase in hot days and warm nights. These trends are similar to the…

World + 10 more

Analysis of DRR inclusion in national climate change commitments

Benin, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guyana, Kiribati, Malawi, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uganda The purpose of this study was to review selected National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)/Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and contributing documents to better understand…

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