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Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 34 - 15 October 2014

1. KHOST & PAKTIKA UPDATE Displacement of refugees from North Waziristan and South Waziristan Agency into Khost and Paktika provinces continues. When the influx began in mid-June agencies operating on the ground estimated that 13,000 families would…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 32 – 01 October 2014

01 October 2014 Displacement of refugees from North Waziristan Agency into Khost and Paktika provinces is increasing. When the situation began in mid-June agencies operating on the ground estimated that 13,000 families would be displaced. However, in…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 31 – 14 September 2014

KHOST & PAKTIKA UPDATE As the displacement in Khost and Paktika continues, a winterization strategy is required to ensure refugee families are able to safely and effectively prepare for colder temperatures. Through discussion with host communities, the…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 30 – 7 September 2014

Khost & Paktika Situation Update As refugee families crossed into Afghanistan and began to settle in Gulan CAMP, UNMAS and Mine Action Coordination Centre of Afghanistan (MACCA) were on the ground to assess the concerns regarding mines,…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 29 – 3 September 2014

Khost & Paktika Situation Update WASH assessments have been conducted in the communities of Khost, Paktika and Gulan Camp by DAACAR, IMC and Solidarités. These three extensive assessments found that, overall, latrines and bathing facilities are needed…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 28 – 28 August 2014

1. Khost & Paktika Situation Update A UNHCR Senior Site Planner was deployed from HQ to Gulan Camp in Khost Province to analyze how families are settling in the camp, the topography of the land and weather…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 27 – 19 August 2014

1. Khost & Paktika Situation Update UNHCR, APA and DoRR recently completed initial assessments of the displaced population in Paktika province and estimated that there are currently 6,375 families. The majority are in Barmal district and are…

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