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Afghanistan: Scores of wounded treated after heavy fighting in Kunduz province

Kabul – Heavy clashes between Afghan security forces and armed opposition groups in the north-eastern province of Kunduz have led to a surge in wounded arriving at Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) trauma centre in Kunduz city.…

News and Press Release
26 Jun 2015

Afghanistan + 2 more

The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security - Report of the Secretary-General (A/69/929–S/2015/422)

I. Introduction The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 68/11 and Security Council resolution 2210 (2015), in which I was requested to report every three months on developments in Afghanistan. The report provides an update…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 63 - 11 June 2015

UNHCR undertook a mission to Paktika this week to meet with partners including provincial officials, DoRR, DoRRD, Afghan Red Crescent Society, APA, ORCD and refugee leaders to discuss assistance, needs, gaps and coordination issues. The majority…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 62 - 3 June 2015

1. KHOST & PAKTIKA UPDATE Accountability to affected populations is critical during humanitarian response efforts in order to ensure assistance is meeting the needs, the affected populations have mechanisms to provide feedback, and for organizations to better…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Helping Afghanistan Confront Challenges from Landmines and Unexploded Ordnance

Posted by Brenna Feigleson I recently traveled to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for the first-ever donor coordination workshop for Afghanistan conventional weapons destruction programs. Co-hosted by the Department of State, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian…

News and Press Release
3 Jun 2015

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 61 - 27 May 2015

KHOST & PAKTIKA UPDATE Initially it was anticipated that the military operations in North Waziristan would last only through September 2014 and then the refugees could return home, however the military operations were extended to the end…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Khost & Paktika Update No. 60 - 20 May 2015

1. KHOST & PAKTIKA UPDATE When the refugee influx began from North Waziristan Agency into Khost and Paktika provinces, many humanitarian agencies thought the situation would be short-term. However as the operations expanded and there have been…


UNHCR Kunduz IDP Update (21 May 2015)

Conflict and displacement in Kunduz province has been constant throughout 2015. With no lull in fighting during the winter season, displacement within and from various provincial districts (Imam Sahib, Qalazai, Chahar Dara, Dashte Archi) to the…

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