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Afghanistan + 2 more

Afghanistan Weekly Field Report (17 - 23 September 2018)

Key issues in the past week: Fighting across the country displaced more than 9,400 people, according to initial reports. Fear of attacks on education impacts schools in Nangarhar province. The UN officially opened Awaaz Afghanistan (https://awaazaf.org/). Countrywide Conflict Displacement A total…

Afghanistan + 2 more

Afghanistan Weekly Field Report (10 - 16 September 2018)

Key issues in the past week: Fighting across the country displaced more than 6,700 people, according to initial reports. 66,000 people affected by conflict and drought received humanitarian aid in six provinces. A health facility in Khogyani, Nangarhar, was…

Afghanistan + 2 more

The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security - Report of the Secretary General (A/73/374–S/2018/824)

I. Introduction The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 68/11 and Security Council resolution 2405 (2018), in which the Secretary-General was requested to report every three months on developments in Afghanistan. The report provides an…

Afghanistan + 2 more

Afghanistan Weekly Field Report (3 - 9 September 2018)

Key issues in the past week: The drought has displaced a total of 275,000 people, 52,000 people more than conflict in 2018. In Qala-e-Naw, partners are ramping up assistance across all sectors and deploy additional staff. Health authorities in…

Afghanistan + 2 more

Afghanistan Weekly Field Report (27 August - 2 September 2018)

Key issues in the past week: The centre of Ghazni city has been declared clear of mines, 100 items of UXO have been destroyed Taliban have reportedly taken three ambulances and medical staff under their control in Nangarhar. The…


Afghanistan: Hard to Reach Assessment - Round Two, June 2018

Context and Background Continued instability has resulted in increasing difficulty of access to many districts in Afghanistan, resulting in a number of districts being classified as ‘Hard-to-reach’ (HTR). In addition to sustained levels of conflict in a number…

Afghanistan + 2 more

Afghanistan Factsheet, August 2018

As at 31 August 2018: 11,599 registered refugees have returned to Afghanistan from neighboring and non-neighboring countries (10,301 from Pakistan). 208,615 individuals have been newly displaced by conflict in 2018 and profiled by OCHA as internally displaced persons…

News and Press Release
4 Sep 2018

Afghanistan + 2 more

Afghanistan Factsheet, July 2018

10,225 registered refugees have returned to Afghanistan from neighboring and non-neighboring countries (9,255 from Pakistan). 166,834 individuals have been newly displaced by conflict in 2018 and profiled by OCHA as internally displaced persons (IDPs) in need. 78,210 Pakistani…

News and Press Release
30 Aug 2018

Afghanistan + 1 more

Afghanistan Weekly Field Report (20 - 26 August 2018)

Key issues in the past week: The general situation in Ghazni city has returned to how it was prior to the attack on 10 August. An estimated 18,000 people newly displaced by drought arrived from Muqur district in…

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