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Vulnerability, Analysis and Mapping - Afghanistan: Market price heads up note (7th April 2020) Afghanistan main cities market price comparison of 7th with 6th April 2020

Main food commodities (Wheat, Wheat flour and cooking Oil) show a declining trend, but still significantly higher compared to 14th March 2020. The average Wheat flour (HP & LP) in the main city markets are significantly higher…

News and Press Release
8 Apr 2020


Vulnerability, Analysis and Mapping - Afghanistan: Market price heads up note (6th April 2020) Afghanistan main cities market price comparison of 5th with 6th April 2020

Key Highlights: Main food commodities (Wheat flour and cooking Oil) show a declining trend, but still significantly higher compared to 14th March 2020. The average Wheat flour (HP & LP) in the main city markets are significantly higher…

News and Press Release
7 Apr 2020


Vulnerability, Analysis and Mapping - Afghanistan: Market price heads up note (5th April 2020) Afghanistan main cities market price comparison of 2nd with 5th April 2020

Key Highlights: Main food commodities (Wheat, Wheat flour and cooking Oil) show a declining trend, but still significantly higher compared to 14th March 2020. The average Wheat flour (HP & LP) in the main city markets are significantly…

Afghanistan + 2 more

The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security - Report of the Secretary-General (A/74/753–S/2020/210)

Seventy-fourth session Seventy-fifth year Agenda item 36 The situation in Afghanistan General Assembly Security Council I. Introduction The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 68/11 and Security Council resolution 2489 (2019), in which the Secretary-General was requested to report every…


Afghanistan Price Bulletin, March 2020

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Afghanistan: Key Message Update, March 2020

Atypical price increases limits labor dependent household purchasing power Key Messages In areas of the country where poor households have depleted their food stocks and are heavily reliant on labor to access food, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes…

Afghanistan + 2 more

Afghanistan Flash Update: Daily Brief: COVID-19, No. 16 (20 March 2020)

Key Messages: UPDATED • People confirmed to have COVID-19: 24 • People tested for COVID-19: 420 • People confirmed negative for COVID-19: 366 • Pending results: 30 • Key concern: Border crossing areas in the country’s west (Source: Ministry of Public Health…

Situation Report
20 Mar 2020


Afghanistan - Market Monitor Report, February 2020

HIGHLIGHTS Wheat: The current average wheat price in main cities’ markets of Afghanistan (AFN 26.1/Kg) is slightly higher by 7.1% compared to the same time last year (February 2019) and slightly higher by 8.4% compared to the…

Afghanistan + 3 more

Afghanistan - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2, Fiscal Year (FY) 2020

HIGHLIGHTS • Local authorities report 7,000 people displaced in Kunar due to insecurity • Health organizations report seven COVID-19 cases in Afghanistan KEY DEVELOPMENTS • The UN reports that conflict displaced approximately 33,100 people across Afghanistan from January 1 to…

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