
ReliefWeb results


Afghanistan Market Price Bulletin Supplement to June 2010 Issue

Highlights During May 2010, wheat prices continued declining in Afghanistan, the region (except Delhi) and globally. Regionally, on inter-month decrease comparison Afghanistan is 3rd (1% decrease), after Lahor (11.3%) and Karachi (3.8%), while is 1st (30.2%) on inter-annual decreases. There is a…


Northern wheat trader survey and Afghan food security

A special report by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study is part of the "Central Asian Regional Wheat Markets and Afghan Food Security Initiative." It is one of five complementary activities that build on and…

Afghanistan + 11 more

Evaluation de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale

I. INTRODUCTION 1. Les documents préparés en vue de la trente-deuxième session du CSA, dont le dernier numéro de SOFI (2006), passent en revue et commentent les progrès réalisés dans la lutte contre la faim par rapport au Sommet mondial…

Afghanistan + 16 more

Save the Children Emergency Overview - 31 Mar 2006

Afghanistan What's happening in Afghanistan? 23 years of conflict have left 400,000 people displaced and the country struggling with high levels of poverty, poor nutrition and limited access to medical services and education. Severe consecutive droughts and chronically cold and severe winters…

Save the Children
31 Mar 2006


Linking relief, rehabilitation and development programme (LRRD) in Afghanistan: Why and how to improve programmes for women: enhancing income generation activities and improving food quality

by Cecile Duchet and Peggy Pascal, Groupe URD Women s issues are central to operational strategy and policy in the current reconstruction period in Afghanistan. Many development programmes are promoting a gender approach and women s empowerment but are these programmes…


Afghanistan: National risk and vulnerability assessment 2005

Key Findings and Recommendations The NRVA 2005 was the second national exercise in data collection on risk and vulnerability factors that affect the Afghan population. The main objective of NRVA 2005 was to gather information to update and guide policy-making…

Govt. Afghanistan
31 Dec 2005

Afghanistan + 35 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 3/2004

CROP AND FOOD SUPPLY SITUATION OVERVIEW As of October 2004, the number of countries facing serious food shortages throughout the world stands at 35 with 23 in Africa, 6 in Asia/Near East, 5 in Latin America and 1 in…

Afghanistan + 41 more

FAO/GIEWS Food Outlook No. 5, 2002

Highlights Latest information confirms a sharp drop in global cereal production in 2002, to 1 833 million tonnes. As a result of this, and a marginal rise expected in total cereal utilization in 2002/03, world cereal stocks for crop years…

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