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Afghanistan: Humanitarian Update, March 2023

HIGHLIGHTS Afghanistan at highest risk of famine in 25 years as funding runs dry. Pg. 01 Partners respond to earthquake and flooding across provinces. Pg. 02 First nationwide polio campaign for 2023 completed in March. Pg. 03 The UN and partners commemorate International…

Afghanistan + 74 more

Women, Peace and Security Annual Report 2020 - 2021

FORWARD AND INTRODUCTION Twenty-two years ago, the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1325 (2000) based on the recognition that peace and security are not achievable without the active and meaningful participation of women. Despite the passage…


World Vision Afghanistan: Country Brief - FY22

World Vison has been responding to the needs of the people in Afghanistan since 2001. It is providing health and nutrition, food security and livelihoods, water and sanitation, protection and education assistance to the most vulnerable…


More Dangerous By the Day: The Taliban’s Attack on Women and Girls

By Sareta Ashraph On January 16, 2023, gunmen in the Afghan capital of Kabul shot and killed Mursal Nabizada, a former Member of Parliament. An outspoken critic of the Taliban, Nabizada was one of the few female…

News and Press Release
30 Mar 2023


UNICEF Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2: February 2023

Highlights More than 1.2 million children aged 6-59 months were screened for acute malnutrition. Of these children, 47,635 (55 per cent girls) received life-saving treatment for severe acute malnutrition. UNICEF continued to support 556,160 children (55 per cent…

Afghanistan + 1 more

Short but perilous: Children’s smuggling journey across Afghanistan’s border

Hiding under moving trucks, children risk their lives smuggling goods – and themselves – across the Torkham border between Afghanistan and Pakistan Omid Fazel NANGARHAR, AFGHANISTAN – At Afghanistan’s eastern border with Torkham, Pakistan, a small town bustles…

News and Press Release
22 Mar 2023


Afghanistan - girls’ education

DELIVERED BY Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Marta Hurtado FROM Geneva This week, girls in Afghanistan should have been starting another year in secondary school with hope and aspiration. But for the past year, girls have…

News and Press Release
21 Mar 2023

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