Resources for PSEA Focal Points and Partners

PSEA capacity strengthening of local actors
Photo: PSEA capacity strengthening workshop of local actors, 22 November 2023, Kyiv

Community-based Complaint Mechanism (CBCM) in referring cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in Ukraine

Community-based Complaint Mechanism (CBCM) in referring cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in Ukraine

Fact Sheet on Community-based Complaint Mechanism (CBCM)


Other useful references

Inter-Agency IP Protocol Resource Package (UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP)
Resources: How to meet minimum core standards for a cooperation agreement with the UN
Interagency Implementing Partner PSEA (Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Protocol Resource Package (

Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance 
Resources: investigation for partners, a victim-centred approach
Get Support | CHS Alliance

Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response
Reources: Misconduct Disclosure Schemes, vetting

The Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub
Resources recruitment, safeguarding in an emergency addressing risks
What is RSH? | Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub

IFRC Manual on Prevention and Response to SEA
Resources: risk assessment, setting up complaint mechanisms, victim assistance
Manual on Prevention and Response to sexual exploitation and abuse