Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Network

Upcoming events/training

  • 13 Oct 2024
  • Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) as a form of Gender Based Violence (GBV), consequences and guidelines for responding to GBV until-
  • 15 Oct 2024
  • PSEA Training face to face until- Who: IOM PSEA Training face to face Hub: Lviv Level: Oblast Category: Training [Training] Format: In-Person
  • 18 Oct 2024
  • Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) as a form of Gender Based Violence (GBV), consequences and guidelines for responding to GBV until- Who: R2P Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) as a form of Gender Based Violence (GBV), consequences and guidelines for responding to GBV Hub: Kyiv Level: Oblast Category: Training [Training] Format: In-Person
  • 21 Oct 2024
  • IOM/UNHCR Workshop for Implementing Partners until- Who: IOM IOM/UNHCR Workshop for Implementing Partners Hub: Kyiv Level: Oblast Category: Training [Training] Format: In-Person
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PSEA Network Meeting Minutes

ReliefWeb results

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PSEA Network Newsletters

ReliefWeb results


PSEA Network Ukraine Quarterly Newsletter, April - June 2023

Roundtable on the Operationalization of the Multi-Year Inter-Agency Strategy On 25-26 April 2023, a roundtable was organized for Inter-Agency Network on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Ukraine to discuss the operationalization of the 2023 HCT…

News and Press Release
PSEA Network Ukraine
27 Jun 2023


PSEA Network Ukraine Quarterly Newsletter, January - March 2023

The PSEA Network in Ukraine The first Inter-Agency PSEA Task Force was set up in Ukraine in 2017. The humanitarian landscape changed drastically following the Russian invasion in February 2022, which resulted in widespread external and internal…

News and Press Release
PSEA Network Ukraine
26 Apr 2023
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What is the PSEA Network?

Under the auspices of the RC/HC and overseen by the Senior Inter-Agency PSEA Coordinator, the PSEA Network in Ukraine is the primary body for technical-level coordination and implementation of PSEA activities in line with the UNCT/HCT PSEA Action Plan and multi-year Strategy. The PSEA Network (183) composed of over 180 members covering the whole of Ukraine with sub-national structures supports the operationalization of activities. The PSEA Network is supported by a Technical Working Group consisting of PSEA/safeguarding experts and the Senior Strategic Steering Committee integrating key Heads of UN and NGOs in country. The presence of the PSEA coordination structure does not lessen the responsibility of individual network members to develop, implement, and strengthen internal PSEA programs at the country level. Senior management within each member organization is accountable for PSEA within their organizations. The PSEA Network is responsible for implementing coordinated activities between members to minimize the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse by those serving affected populations, ensure effective response when incidents do arise, and raise awareness of SEA in Ukraine. The PSEA Network activities follow a victim-centred approach and will respect the principles of safety, confidentiality, respect, and non-discrimination. Network membership is open to all UN agencies, INGOs, and NGOs operating in Ukraine. Each UN agency and member under the HNRP or IASC coordination structures should designate one PSEA focal point and one alternate to attend Network meetings and activities. It is recommended that non-governmental or civil society organizations with cooperation agreements with the United Nations appoint a focal point. With a view to ensure localization and country ownership, membership in the Network is strongly encouraged to non-governmental or civil society organizations working in the humanitarian response or affected populations.

Full terms of reference for the PSEA Coordination structure in Ukraine here.

PSEA Trainer of trainers

PSEA Network


Training of Trainers on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Training of Trainers on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (14 – 15 March 2024)

Facilitators Team: 

  • Sofia Cánovas Pereda (Senior Inter-agency PSEA Coordinator/ Snr. advisor to the RC/HC)

  • Oleksii ZADOIENKO ( National Programme Consultant PRSEAH, WHO)

  • Vira Goncharuk (National Technical Consultant - PRSEAH, WHO)

  • Stéf Pruski (GBV & PSHEA Lead, Plan International)

  • Dmytro Skopienkov (Protection & Safeguarding Specialist, Danish Refugee Council, DRC)

Download the Agenda