
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

An open call to all UN Member States to stop fuelling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian life

An open call to all UN Member States to stop fuelling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian life. We, the undersigned organisations, call on all States to immediately halt the…

News and Press Release
AFSC, Amnesty, CIVIC, Christian Aid, DRC, Diakonia, HI, MDM, Medico Intl., MCC, NPA, NRC, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children, War Child
25 Jan 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Time for action as risk of genocide in the Gaza Strip

Over the last number of months Israel has undertaken an unrelenting military campaign on the Gaza Strip that has resulted in more than 25,000 thousand deaths, 62,000 injured and the displacement of 1.9m people. 1 in…

News and Press Release
25 Jan 2024

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #101 [EN/AR/HE]

English version

Key points Intense Israeli bombardments from air, land, and sea continued across much of the Gaza Strip on 23 January, resulting in further civilian casualties and displacement, as well as destruction. Ground operations and fighting between Israeli…

Situation Report
24 Jan 2024
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occupied Palestinian territory

16 organisations humanitaires et de défense des droits humains appellent à suspendre les transferts d’armes à Israël et aux groupes armés palestiniens

Une lettre ouverte appelle tous les États membres de l'ONU à cesser d'alimenter la crise à Gaza et à éviter d’exacerber la catastrophe humanitaire et les pertes de vies civiles. Nous, les organisations soussignées, appelons tous les…

News and Press Release
AFSC, Amnesty, CIVIC, Christian Aid, DRC, Diakonia, HI, MDM, Medico Intl., MCC, NPA, NRC, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children, War Child
24 Jan 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

16 humanitarian and human rights organisations call to stop arms transfers to Israel, Palestinian Armed Groups [EN/AR]

An open call to all UN Member States to stop fuelling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian life. We, the undersigned organisations, call on all States to immediately halt the…

News and Press Release
ActionAid, AFSC, Amnesty, Caritas, CAFOD, CIVIC, Christian Aid, CIVICUS, Cordaid, DRC, Diakonia, EuroMed Rights, GCR2P, HI, Int'l Alert, JVC, MADRE, MDM, Medico Intl., MCC, NP, NPA, NRC, Oxfam, PAX, Peace Direct, Plan International, PMM, Saferworld, Save the Children, Street Child, SNHR, Tdh, UOSSM, War Child, Watchlist, WeWorld
24 Jan 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

UNRWA Situation Report #68 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem (All information from 21- 22 January 2024, is valid as of 22 January 2024 at 22:30) [EN/AR]

English version

Key points The Gaza Strip Intense fighting in/around Khan Younis over the last 3 days is causing loss of lives and damage to civilian infrastructure, including UNRWA's largest shelter in the southern area, the Khan Younis Training Centre. As…

Situation Report
24 Jan 2024
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