HDP Nexus National Task Force

The HDP Nexus Task Force develops concepts, tools and mechanismes, and promotes the approach to stakeholders. The aim is to gain wide acceptance on the necessity to create synergies between HDP actors. For stakeholders to accept the triple Nexus and be willing to change the current way of working, they need to see the approach's benefits. Once this is achieved, the objective is for all stakeholders to speak with one voice advocating for the HDP Nexus. So far, Cameroon's HDP Nexus approach has been integrated into the Humanitarian Response Plan (HNO/HRP), the UNSDCF 2022-2026, and PBF strategic priorities. UN agencies and other partners have started integrating the HDP Nexus into their country strategic approach. Also, the HDP collective outcome is linked to the World Bank CPF, the WB funded-Governmental Lake Chad Region Recovery and Development Project (PROLAC), and the WB IDA18 Refugee Sub-Window-funded Governmental development projects for the communities living in the zones/regions affected by a protracted presence of refugees.

The National Task Force created the Regional Task Forces in the Far-North and Eastern Front and supports their activities. 

It consists of more than a hundred representatives from Governement, UN Agencies, the World Bank, members states and donors, international and national NGOs, and the private sectors.

You can have access to the relevant documents below: 

Nexus Task Forces in Cameroon