HDP Nexus Far-North Regional Task Force

The Far-North HDP Nexus Regional Task Force is mandated to support the development of the Nexus approach and facilitate the implementation in the Far-North region. It is chaired by the OCHA (lead) and PLAN (co-lead) and reports to the HDP Nexus National Task Force which is chaired by the Humanitarian Development Peace Coordinator (Resident Coordinator's Office) and reports to the HCT and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT).
The Regional Task Force is composed of:

  • Representatives of the Regional Council;
  • Representatives of the Governor;
  • Local elected officials;
  • United Nations agencies;
  • Representatives of civil society (ex. women's and youth associations);
  • International and national NGOs;
  • Red Cross;
  • Private sector;
  • Decentralized State services;
  • Representatives of state projects and programs;
  • Technical and financial partners;
  • Traditional and religious leaders

Any interested entity that wishes to contribute to the Nexus approach can be part of the Regional Task Force.

The role of the Regional Task Force is to facilitate the use of policies, guidance and tool supporting the implementation of the Nexus HDP in the Far-North region. The Regional Task Force aims to contribute to the operationalization of the Nexus approach on the ground through:
1) Advocacy for general acceptance and ownership of the Nexus approach by all stakeholders;
2) The selection of Nexus convergence areas;
3) The selection of focal points at the level of the convergence areas to follow up with the municipal executive and the actors in the municipality;
4) Review and contextualization of the tools developed by the National Task Fprce (data collection tools, monitoring-evaluation tools, etc.);
5) The collection of data concerning the actors/interventions as well as the data/studies already present/carried out at the level of the convergence zones in order to facilitate the process of joint analysis;
6) Contextualizing options for establishing coordination mechanisms;
7) Support for the development, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of Nexus common action plans in convergence areas.