Nepal Cash Working Group

About the Nepal Cash Working Group

The Nepal Cash Coordination Group (CCG) is a national chapter for Cash coordination and is a synonymized version of Cash Working Group. It was set up immediately after the Nepal earthquake in 2015 without any pre-existing coordination structure and mechanism with the aim to promote a coordinated and harmonized effort towards the implementation of CVA interventions. It also serves as a technical platform to support variety of cash programmes, such as multipurpose cash, conditional and unconditional cash programmes, as well as Vouchers. Meanwhile, the CCG enhances the quality of designing, and implementing CVA programmes via inter-agency sharing and learning, as well as works toward a common vision for CVA efforts throughout the humanitarian community, government, and across the country. The CCG works with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) through inter agencies operational platform and is treated essentially up until now as a semi-official cluster. 
Leading to a more strategic and comprehensive structure, the CCG aims to position itself within the government as a strategic partner for dialogues and lobbying for guidelines and legal frameworks on scaling up cash and cash preparedness in the country. The CCG is actively attended by over 40 members including I/NGOs, Red Cross Movement, UN agencies, donors, private sector, and government agencies. The CCG is led by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) and co-led by annually rotating chairs, currently held by WFP and Plan International Nepal.

The key deliverables of the CCG:
D 1: Work with relevant Government and Humanitarian/Development Stakeholders to institutionalize CCG and its work in Nepal
D 2: Provide specialized services to and build capacity of humanitarian actors 
D 3: Support evidence-based knowledge management and shared learning on CVA 
D 4: Build alliances and networks with regional and global Cash Working Groups 

Please find the link for the meeting minutes if our bi-monthly CCG meeting here.


ReliefWeb results


Concept Note - Nepal Cash Coordination Group

BACKGROUND The Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is an effective tool to ensure beneficiary choice, enable access to assistance in logistically challenging locations, aid into localised response and encourage economic recovery in local markets. According to the…

Manual and Guideline
WFP, Plan International
31 Mar 2022

ReliefWeb results

ReliefWeb results


Rekha Adhikari - Lead
Email -
Skype - fr.adhikari

Santosh Dahal - Co-Lead
Email -
Skype - santosh.lwr

Safik Iraqi - CCG Coordinator 
Email -
Skype - safik.iraqi