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Zimbabwe Food Security Outlook, February to September 2021

The anticipated above-average 2021 harvest to significantly improve access to food KEY MESSAGES Favorable rainfall for the 2020/21 season facilitated above-average area planted and significant improvements in water, pasture, and livestock conditions. While cropping conditions across the country…

Zimbabwe + 1 more

Zimbabwe Crisis Response Plan 2020 - 2021 (Updated 26 February 2021)

IOM VISION In this dynamic context, IOM seeks to ensure humanitarian protection and assistance needs are met through the provision of timely, multi-sector interventions, while simultaneously addressing the root causes of vulnerability related to natural hazards and…


Zimbabwe Situation Report, 31 Dec 2020

HIGHLIGHTS In 2020, gender-based violence cases reported through the National GBV Hotline increased by a 175 per cent compared to 2019. About 3.4 million people in rural areas are projected to face crisis or emergency food insecurity at…


Zimbabwe Food Security Monitoring Report: January 2021

During the month of January 2021, the country recorded as highest daily confirmed COVID-19 cases of above 1,000 since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country in March 2020. the cumulative number of confirmed cases increased…

Zimbabwe + 2 more

Emergency Grant Aid in Response to Food Crises in Madagascar and Zimbabwe

February 16, 2021 On February 16, Japan decided to extend Emergency Grant Aid of 7.5 million US dollars in response to food crises in Madagascar and Zimbabwe. 1 This Emergency Grant Aid will provide food and other assistance…

News and Press Release
Govt. Japan
17 Feb 2021

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