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Zimbabwe: Activists arrested on Unity Day must be urgently released

Responding to the news that security forces today arrested three activists in Bulawayo at a Unity Day memorial held to remember the victims of the Gukurahundi massacres, Flavia Mwangovya, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for East…

News and Press Release
22 Dec 2022


Impact of the Ukraine Crisis in Zimbabwe - December 2022

Introduction Since the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, its impacts have been felt worldwide, including in Zimbabwe, where the impact has been evidenced through price spikes, supply chain disruptions and a general deterioration of macro-economic and living…


WFP Zimbabwe Country Brief, November 2022

In Numbers 9,824 mt of food assistance distributed USD 428,592 cash-based transfers made USD 58.6 m next six months (December ‘22 – May ‘23) net funding requirements 486,608 people assisted in November 2022 through in-kind and cash transfers Operational Updates • In…


His Excellency Edward Kallon, UN Zimbabwe RC - Remarks at the Launch of the UN SDG-Fund Joint Programme on ‘Catalysing Investment into Renewable Energy for the Acceleration of the Attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in Zimbabwe’

Honourable Minister of Energy and Power Development, Hon. Zhemu Soda. Senior Government Officials Present. Chief Operating Officer, Old Mutual Investment Group - Mr Isaiah Mashinya. Excellencies Ambassadors here present. Renewable Energy Investors. Ladies and Gentlemen. I am delighted to welcome you all…

News and Press Release
UN RC Zimbabwe
12 Dec 2022


Impact of the Ukraine Crisis in Zimbabwe - November 2022

Introduction Since the start of the Ukraine crisis, impacts have been felt worldwide, including in Zimbabwe, through price spikes, supply chain disruptions and a general deterioration of macro-economic and living conditions, especially for the vulnerable sections of…


Zimbabwe Price Bulletin, November 2022

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing…

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