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Zimbabwe + 11 more

Southern Africa Key Message Update, February 2019

Heavy January rainfall decreased moisture deficits, though cropping conditions unlikely to recover Key Messages Despite moderate to heavy rainfall in early and mid-January, poor rainfall at the end of the month led to soil moisture stress, causing some…

Zimbabwe + 11 more

Southern Africa Monthly Food Price Update - January 2019

Highlights In line with seasonal trends, national average maize prices have been increasing across the region. South Africa, the region’s largest maize producer/supplier, is seeing an uptick in prices partly due to lower than expected planting and…


WFP Zimbabwe Country Brief, January 2019

In Numbers 2,399 mt of food assistance distributed US$4.5m cash-based transfers made 2,000 mt of sorghum locally procured US$31.5m six months (Mar–Aug 2019) net funding requirements, representing 67% of total 7.5m people in rural and urban areas food insecure (ZimVAC analysis…


Water at last for Kuwadzana residents in Zimbabwe

The Urgent Water Supply and Sanitation Rehabilitation Project Phase II in Zimbabwe, implemented by the African Development Bank, has improved water access for targeted communities with inadequate water supply. Waking up at the crack of dawn to…

News and Press Release
12 Feb 2019


Request to urgently end gross human rights violations in Zimbabwe

President Emmerson D Mnangagwa President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Office of the President Munhumutapa Building Samora Machel Avenue Harare Zimbabwe 4 February 2019 Your Excellency Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Oxfam International are writing to urge you to urgently take concrete and effective…

News and Press Release
Amnesty, HRW, Oxfam
9 Feb 2019

Zimbabwe + 1 more

Zimbabwe: Food Assistance Fact Sheet - February 1, 2019

Situation According to the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee’s 2018 Rural Livelihoods Assessment, approximately 2.4 million people in rural Zimbabwe—approximately 28 percent of the rural population—will be severely food insecure by March 2019. Dry spells and erratic rainfall…

News and Press Release
6 Feb 2019

Zimbabwe + 11 more

Southern Africa Food Security Alert: February 1, 2019

Delayed start of season and significant rainfall deficits negatively impacting cropping conditions The October 2018 to March 2019 rainy season in Southern Africa started nearly a month late, and rainfall totals to date are significantly below average…

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