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Zimbabwe + 10 more

SADC Food Security Ministerial Brief: 9 May 2003

FOOD SECURITY PROSPECTS BETTER THAN LAST YEAR Cereal production estimates just released by SADC and FAO point to an improvement in the food security situation in several countries in comparison to the same time last year. Zimbabwe,…


Zimbabwe: Emergency food security and vulnerability assessment - Report No. 3

Preface This emergency food security assessment is regionally coordinated by the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Food, Agriculture, and Natural resources (FANR) Vulnerability Assessment Committee (VAC), in collaboration with international partners (WFP, FEWS NET, SC (UK), FAO, UNICEF and IFRC. The Zimbabwe…


Community assessment of the food situation in Zimbabwe Apr 2003

There is a need of an entirely new and bold approach to address the intertwined crises of devastating illness and drought affecting agriculture' - Guruve Summary The National NGO Food Security (FOSENET) involves 24 non-governmental organisations that collectively cover ALL districts…


FEWS Zimbabwe Monthly Food Security Update 27 Feb 2003

Summary While the food security situation is improving in some isolated rural areas of the northern provinces following increased food aid assistance from the humanitarian community and early consumption of the current season's produce, the food security…


Zimbabwe Food Security Emergency - Food crisis to persist through 2003

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) issues periodic emergency alerts when population groups are now, or will soon become, extremely food insecure, unable to meet their consumption needs. These groups have already exhausted their strategies for acquiring food…

24 Feb 2003


FEWS Zimbabwe Monthly Food Security Update 31 Jan 2003

Summary A cereal deficit of approximately 1 million MT is expected for the 2003/04 consumption year; the Government and NGO community need to start planning for continued food aid, non food aid and food imports for the…


FEWS Zimbabwe Monthly Food Security Update 16 Dec 2002

Summary The October-December part of the 2002-03 rainy season has been below normal for most of the country. The total area under cultivation for food crops is less than 50 percent of the 1990s average and that of…

16 Dec 2002

Zimbabwe + 10 more

SADC Food Security Ministerial Brief: 28 Nov 2002

CONCERN OVER THE START OF THE 2002/03 CROP SEASON COUNTRY INPUT SUPPLY START OF THE RAINFALL SEASON LESOTHO Planting has been constrained by shortages of tractors, draught power, improved seed and fertilizer. Government has introduced a policy of leaving no land…

28 Nov 2002


Zimbabwe: Emergency Food Security Assessment Report, 16 Sep 2002

Zimbabwe National Vulnerability Assessment Committee in collaboration with the SADC FANR Vulnerability Assessment Committee ZIMBABWE EMERGENCY FOOD SECURITY HIGHLIGHTS The VAC assessment affirms the severity of the Zimbabwe food crisis, and provides compelling evidence that urgent action--beyond that of current levels--is required…

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