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South Sudan

How climate change affects the lives of displaced mothers in South Sudan

Displaced women are bearing the brunt of climate change in South Sudan, where frequent floods in recent years have destroyed homes and livelihoods. In recent years, torrential rains and rising water levels in Lake Victoria, one of…

News and Press Release
19 Jul 2024

Sudan + 6 more

Sudan Situation: Regional Child Protection Brief - June 2024

This brief highlights the regional and country-specific child protection situation, the overall achievements of UNHCR and partners, the challenges, and recommendations for comprehensive and sustainable child protection programming. Impact of the Sudan Situation As of 15 June 2024,…

South Sudan

Swamp fishing secures schooling in South Sudan

In one of the world’s largest swamps, livelihoods must be constantly adapted to the realities on the ground. Through an EU-funded project, our partner Finn Church Aid is supporting fishermen to increase their catches and incomes. In…

News and Press Release
19 Jul 2024

Sudan + 2 more

Sudan, South Sudan, Chad: Regional Situation Report (April - June 2024)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Sudan, South Sudan, and Chad face severe humanitarian crises due to conflict, displacement, and climate shocks. These nations urgently need global attention for severe food insecurity, malnutrition, health emergencies, and climate impacts affecting many populations. In…

South Sudan + 1 more

South Sudan: Malteser International supports refugees from Sudan

Cologne/Juba. After more than a year of conflict in Sudan, a growing number of people are fleeing hunger and violence, seeking refuge in South Sudan. According to the United Nations, approximately 740,000 individuals have crossed the…

News and Press Release
19 Jul 2024

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