Cartes / Infographies

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Somalia: Humanitarian Dashboard, January - July 2024

8 pages

The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP), estimates that 6.9 million people need humanitarian and protection assistance, a 17 per cent reduction compared to 2023. Inter-sectoral needs have reduced with no district classified as ‘catastrophic’…

Somalia + 6 more

DTM Somalia: Cross Border Movements (June 2024)

IOM Somalia DTM’s flow monitoring team records migrant movements at seven active Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) along the border with Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti and at Bossa FMP on the coast. Enumerators stationed at FMPs register…


Mozambique Protection Cluster - Cabo Delgado Snapshot (January - June 2024) [EN/PT]

English version

Situation overview Cabo Delgado experienced severe Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) violence, leading to significant displacement, civilian casualties, and infrastructure damage, causing extensive property loss. NSAGs have demonstrated increased use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and enhanced operational…

Protection Cluster, UNHCR
20 Aug 2024
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