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Burundi: Effectif total des rapatriés (spontanes & facilites par le HCR) selon la province (22 Février 2003) / Total number of returnees (spontaneous & facilitated) by province (22 February 2003)

English Title: Total number of spontaneous and facilitated Burundian returnees by Province - 22 Feb 2003 Total number of repatriated: 7,870. Total number of facilitated/HCR Burundian returnees: 4,813. Data Source: UNHCR


Angola: Population Return (1 April - 31 January 2003)

This report is based upon information received from local administrations and humanitarian organisations. Inter-provincial returns from Benguela to Huambo, Bié to Huambo, Huíla to Huambo, Luanda to Huambo, Kuanza Norte, Malanje and Moxico, Namibe to Huambo and Huíla are not…

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