Cartes / Infographies

ReliefWeb results


IDP presence in Sudan as of 30 March 2004

Source: UNFPA, CBS Pop., WHO & NIDs 2002 Figures presented are based on the current available data and should be seen as indictive and not actual. Numbers therefore have been rounded.


Southern Sudan: Operational Information (29 March 2004)

Compiled by WFP/UNJLC Situation Room Data Sources: ESRI 2002, Global Discovery 2002, ADC, DCW, UNJLC, WFP, UNHCR For planning purposes only This is a large format planning map.  Please be aware of the large file size and allow for longer downloading…


Ethiopia: Resettlement 2003

Map Created by Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) Information Centre, UN OCHA-Ethiopia Data Source:  UN-OCHA Ethiopia


Ethiopia: Resettlement 2004

Map Created by Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) Information Centre, UN OCHA-Ethiopia Data Source:  UN-OCHA Ethiopia

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