Cartes / Infographies

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Boletim Diário da Cólera Data: 13/02/2024 [PT]

A Cólera é perigosa. Previna a doença lavando as mãos depois de usar o sanitário e antes de levar qualquer alimento à boca. Use água tratada ou fervida. Se tiver diarreia ou vómitos mais de 3…

Govt. Mozambique
14 Feb 2024
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Non Food Items Common Pipeline (As of December 2023)

Situation Overview In recent years Mozambique has been beset by multiple crises; escalating conflict and four major cyclones, compounded by the impacts of COVID 19. The exacerbating effects of these crises led to increased vulnerability and…


Displacement Tracking Matrix - Mozambique, Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) Movement Alert 96, Macomia, Chiure, Metuge, Montepuez, Mecufi, Erati and Ibo districts, Northern Mozambique 12 February 2024

Between 22 December to 12 February, a series of sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Macomia, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 10,849 individuals/1,478 families. Although included within…


Somalia Cash Dashboard 2023

The snapshot below represents the cash and vouchers assistance (CVA) reported to the Somalia Cash Working Group and individual clusters on a monthly basis. The snapshot makes a distinction between CVA supporting sectoral objectives (cash use…

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