Cartes / Infographies

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Sudan: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (June 2024)

People Denied Humanitarian Assistance In June 2024, more than 5,800 MT of relief items reached Darfur (3,674 MT), South Kordofan (1,890) and other states (200 MT); that could benefit more than 738,000 people. Of this, 3,674 mt was…

Somalia + 7 more

DTM Somalia: Cross Border Movements (April 2024)

IOM Somalia DTM’s flow monitoring team tracks migrant movements at seven active Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) along the border with Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti and at Bossa FMP on the coast. Enumerators stationed at FMPs register…

Somalia + 8 more

DTM Somalia: Cross Border Movements (March 2024)

A total of 26,793 movements were observed in March 2024, representing a 35% increase compared to February 2024 when 19,813 movements were observed during this period. Compiring March 2024 with February 2024, Doolow (+69%), Bossaso (+16%),…

Somalia + 7 more

DTM Somalia: Cross Border Movements (February 2024)

A total of 19,813 movements were observed in February 2024, representing a 6% decrease compared to January 2024 when 21,115 movements were observed during this period. If compared with January 2024, Cabudwaaq (-19%), Bossaso (-14%), Buuhoodle (-12%),…

Somalia + 9 more

DTM Somalia: Cross Border Movements (January 2024)

A total of 21,115 movements were observed in January 2024, representing a 10% increase compared to December 2023 when 19,192 movements were observed during this period. If compared with December 2023, Lowyacado (28%), Dhobley (25%), Doolow (15%),…

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