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Ethiopia: Assessment field trip to Arsi zone (Oromiya Region)

Field Assessment Mission: 7 - 10 April & 15 - 17 April 2003 By Francois Piguet, UN-Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia Introduction and background The mission's major objectives were to assess the humanitarian situation in Arsi, following three years of rainfall deficit. The assessment…

Zimbabwe + 10 more

SADC Food Security Ministerial Brief: 9 May 2003

FOOD SECURITY PROSPECTS BETTER THAN LAST YEAR Cereal production estimates just released by SADC and FAO point to an improvement in the food security situation in several countries in comparison to the same time last year. Zimbabwe,…


Zimbabwe: Emergency food security and vulnerability assessment - Report No. 3

Preface This emergency food security assessment is regionally coordinated by the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Food, Agriculture, and Natural resources (FANR) Vulnerability Assessment Committee (VAC), in collaboration with international partners (WFP, FEWS NET, SC (UK), FAO, UNICEF and IFRC. The Zimbabwe…


Somalia: Hargeisa Urban Household Economy Assessment Feb - Mar 2003

Participants: FEWS Net Abdi Musa Mohamed (Consultant) Sidow Ibrahim Addou (FEWS-Net Representative) Alexandra King (Consultant) FSAU Abdi Hussein Roble (Field Monitor Belet Weyn) Ahmed Nur Hussein (Field Monitor Hargeisa) Mohamed Salad Mohamud (Field Monitor Galkayo) Abdirahman Mohamed Yusuf (Field Monitor Bosasso) Save the Children…

Ethiopia + 1 more

Monthly Nutrition Update for Somalia Apr 2003

OVERVIEW Within camps for displaced persons in Kismayo town, an increase in levels of malnutrition between November 2002 and March 2003 can partly be explained by reduced access to food of adequate quality and quantity due to…

17 Apr 2003

Somalia + 1 more

Monthly Food Security Report for Somalia Apr 2003

FSAU REPORTS AND ACTIVITIES ** FSAU has contracted a software firm to assist in the construction of a data dictionary - a description showing metadata and entity relationships of all technical data in the Unit (including nutrition data). Work has…


Community assessment of the food situation in Zimbabwe Apr 2003

There is a need of an entirely new and bold approach to address the intertwined crises of devastating illness and drought affecting agriculture' - Guruve Summary The National NGO Food Security (FOSENET) involves 24 non-governmental organisations that collectively cover ALL districts…

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