
ReliefWeb results

Lesotho + 5 more

Nutrition: Southern Africa humanitarian crisis

MAJOR CONCLUSIONS 1. Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique continue to have unacceptably high rates of malnutrition 2. The slow national trend of improvement in the 1990s ceased, except for Lesotho; Zimbabwe and Zambia showed a deterioration in 2001-2003 3. National averages hide…


Monthly Nutrition Update for Somalia Jun 2003

OVERVIEW This issue highlights the plight of communities affected by continued insecurity in Lower Jubba where access for humanitarian organisations continues to be a major constraint in the delivery of appropriate assistance. In the Sool Plateau, the nutrition…

19 Jun 2003


Monthly Food Security Report for Somalia Jun 2003

FSAU acknowledges the contribution of key partners FEWS NET, CARE, WFP, SC-UK, UNCU, UNDP FSAU REPORTS AND ACTIVITIES The FSAU Gu 2003 Seasonal Workshop and analysis will take place between 16-24 June in Hargeisa. This will assess crop establishment in Southern…

Zimbabwe + 9 more

SADC Food Security Ministerial Brief: 10 Jun 2003

FOOD SECURITY RISKS CONTINUE DESPITE GOOD PRODUCTION Households and communities in the SADC region are considerably more vulnerable to food and livelihood insecurity today than they were a decade ago. This is illustrated by the impact of the 2002 food crisis…

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