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Sudan: JAM Final Report Volume II - Cluster Costings and Matrices

COSTING METHODOLOGY FOR THE SUDAN JAM INTRODUCTION The Sudan Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) was carried out from April 2004 to February 2005 by eight cluster teams that were co-led by representatives from the Government of Sudan (GOS) and the SPLM, along…


Sudan: JAM Final Report Volume I - Synthesis

Framework for Sustained Peace, Development and Poverty Eradication EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The signing of the historic Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in January 2005 has opened an unprecedented window of opportunity to turn the devastation of years of war,…


Sudan: JAM Final Report Volume III - Cluster Reports

Capacity Building and Institutional Development 2. Governance and Rule of Law 3. Economic Policy 4. Productive Sectors 5. Basic Social Services 6. Infrastructure 7. Livelihoods and Social Protection 8. Information and Statistics 9. The Three Areas OVERVIEW 1. A sound institutional…

Angola + 32 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 1/2005

AFRICA: In eastern Africa, the food situation in Eritrea is of serious concern. Successive years of inadequate rains have seriously undermined crop and livestock production. A below average harvest is also estimated for Sudan due to conflict and drought. By…


Somalia: National rapid environmental desk assessment

Introduction Approximately 650 kilometres of the Somali coastline was impacted by the tsunami, primarily in the stretch between Xaafun (Hafun) (Bari region) and Garacad (Mudung region), with differing degrees of devastation. The tsunami resulted in the death of some 300…

25 Feb 2005


Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practice on water, sanitation and non food items among IDPs in Zalingie, West Darfur, Sudan

Acronyms IDP: Internally Displaced person IRC: International Rescue Committee KAP: Knowledge Attitude Practice MSF: Medicines Sans Frontiers NFI: None Food Items WFP: World Food Program Background Mercy Corps started humanitarian relief operations in Zalingie in the two (2) major camps in August 2004. Water…


Sudan: Planning assumptions for Non-Food Items - Common Pipeline

PLANNING ASSUMPTIONS 2,000,000: Internally Displaced Persons (444,444 families): Care and maintenance NFIs 100,000 IDPs (22,222.22 families) are expected to return to their places of origin in 2005 5% for communal needs 4.5 persons per household 12 months for consumables (soap and kerosene) The…


Special report: FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Ethiopia

Mission Highlights Cereal and pulse production from the 2004 meher season is forecast at 14.27 million tonnes, 24 percent above the previous year's revised estimates and 21 percent above the average of the previous five years. Extended rainfall,…

28 Jan 2005

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