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Angola + 35 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 2/2005

AFRICA: In eastern Africa, heavy rains and floods have caused loss of life and destroyed crops and infrastructure in several countries. However, prospects for current crops have improved. In southern Africa, cereal import requirements in 2005/06 (excluding South Africa) are…


FAST Update Mozambique: Semi-annual risk assessment Jan - June 2005

Risk Assessment Positive developments dominate the first half of 2005, the six month period since Mozambique held its third multi-party presidential and parliamentary elections. Conflictive events have levelled off more than in any period in the past few years, and…


FAST Update Ethiopia: Semi-annual risk assessment Jan - June 2005

Risk Assessment: The Country Stability index shows a certain degree of improvement in January before deteriorating substantially in May and June. The proportion of Forceful Actions, though remaining at a low level during the first quarter of the year, rose…


Zambia Vulnerability and Needs Assessment

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Zambia and the entire southern sub-region experienced drought during the 2004/05 agricultural season. Two thirds of Zambia, mainly the south western parts, was badly affected by erratic rainfall. By mid February and March 2005, most of these areas…

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