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FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Zimbabwe

Mission Highlights - For a second consecutive year the combined impact of adverse weather, lack of timely availability of inputs and severe economic constraints in Zimbabwe have induced hardship and food insecurity among both rural and urban populations. - National production…


Inter agency rapid assessment conducted by BANIADAM, SMVIARDO, LORDO and SRCS on the visible IDPs in Lower-Shabelle region and its satellite villages

Three Sub-Protection Network Groups partner with UNHCR for Protection and PMT in Lower-Shabelle, conducted rabid assessment on the visible IDPs appeared in parts of Merka, Qorioley and Kurtunwarey districts like 'Shalanbot, Golweyn, Madulow, Bulomarere and Bulo-tuni. The agencies of BANIADAM,…


Kenya: Rapid emergency shelter and livelihoods assessment

Post-election violence in the wake of Kenya's December 27, 2007 presidential election triggered a severe humanitarian crisis and displaced half a million people. Although security conditions have improved following the February 28 agreement between the Party of National Unity (PNU)…


Kenya Short Rains Assessment Report 2008

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background The Short Rains Assessment 2008 was conducted in February 2008 to determine the impact of the short rains season on the food security situation of arid and semi arid districts. Assessments were also conducted in the conflict-affected areas…

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