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Kenya: Long rains assessment report 2008

A collaborative report of the Kenya Food Security Steering Group: Office of the President; Ministries of Agriculture, Livestock Development, Fisheries Development, Water and Irrigation, Public Health and Sanitation, Medical Services, and Education; WFP/VAM; FEWS NET; UNICEF; FAO, Oxfam GB; UNDP;…


Kenya: Marsabit district 2008 long rains assessment report 21- 25 Jul

1 Introduction 1.1 District Background Information Marsabit district covers approximately 66,000 sq km with an estimated population of 143,849 people. The district borders Ethiopia and Moyale to the North, Turkana to the North-West, Samburu and Isiolo to the South, and Wajir…


Kenya: Turkana districts 2008 long rains assessment report 14 - 18 Jul 2008

1 INTRODUCTION The greater Turkana coveres a total area of 77,000 square Kilometers, estimated combined population 521,491 and comprises of three Districts namely Turkana Central, Turkana South and Turkana North. Turkana North has 7 divisions: Kaaling', Kakuma, Kibish, Lapur, Lokichoggio, Lokitaung…


Angola: Municipal development assessment - health priorities

A municipal health needs assessment was conducted by a Boston University Doctor of Public Health student to fulfill an academic practicum requirement. Data were collected in Luanda and the municipality of Cuango, Angola during the period of September 20…


FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Swaziland

Mission Highlights - There was a good start to the season, but this was followed by poor rains, extended dry periods and unusually high temperatures during parts of January and February. These conditions coincided with the critical tasselling stage for…

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