
ReliefWeb results


Land Disputes in Acholiland - A Conflict and Market Assessment

Executive Summary More than 20 years of armed conflict between the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan government displaced more than 1.7 million people and stalled development in northern Uganda’s Acholiland. Over the past several…


Sool Plateau Pastoral Livelihood Baseline Analysis

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FSNAU baseline team conducted an assessment of Sool Plateau Livelihood zone from October to November 2010. The aim of the exercise was to update the old baseline (April’04/March’05) in order to determine the changes that…


Hawd Pastoral Livelihood Baseline Analysis

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hawd pastoral livelihood is the largest pastoral livelihood zone in Somalia, stretching from Hiran, through Central, Nugaal, Sool up to up Galbeed and Toghdheer regions in the Northwest. In August 2002, FSNAU conducted a baseline…


Hawd Pastoral Livelihood Zone Baseline Profile, August 2011

Livelihood zone Description • The Hawd Pastoral area (literally ‘forest land’) is one of the largest livelihood zones in Somalia covering an area of approximately 75,000km2. • The livelihood zone extends from the North West in West Galbeed…

Kenya + 1 more

Rapid assessment: Garissa District/Dadaab refugee camps

Key Messages • The food security of newly arriving refugees has improved over the last several weeks, after the establishment of reception centers providing food, water, sanitation and health services for refugees at the point of entry…

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