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South Sudan + 1 more

Yida Deforestation Report

Introduction ACTED conducted livelihood interventions in Nyeel and Pariang refugee camps in Unity State with UNHCR throughout 2012. One component of the livelihood programming included the establishment of tree nurseries and re-planting of seedlings either in the…


Post Flood Health Assessment

Mozambique like many other countries in the world is prone to disaster. The common disasters experienced in the past 10 years include drought, floods, tropical cyclone, epidemics and earthquake. On 23rd January 2013, governmentof Mozambique declared…

Malawi + 12 more

Joint Assessment Mission Dzaleka Refugee Camp, December 2012

The Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) conducted in September 2012 aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the situation, needs, risks, capacities and vulnerabilities of refugees in Malawi with regard to food, livelihood, their nutritional/health situation and…

South Sudan

South Sudan Food Security Monitoring: Round 8, October 2012

Highlights All major key food security indicators showed a seasonal improvement compared to June 2012, though marginally compared to October 2011. For example, 10% and 30% of the assessed households are respectively severely and moderately food insecure…

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