
ReliefWeb results


FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Angola

Mission Highlights Rainfall was the main determinant for Angola's crop production in 2005/06, with much of the country experiencing excessive rains and/or longer dry spells than usual. With the recent re-settlement trend in former agricultural areas, there was a small…


Baringo District: Drought Monthly Bulletin, May 2006

Situation Overview ENVIROMENTAL INDICATORS A total of 41mm rainfall was received during the month that made some impact on the grazing resources. Forage quality is fair though quantity is still insufficient. Water currently in use is Rivers, Traditional River wells, Pans and Dams,…


FAO/WFP post-harvest assessment mission to Sudan

Mission Highlights Aggregate 2005/06 cereal production in Sudan is estimated at 5.46 million tonnes, about 59 percent higher than the previous year's very poor crop and 17 percent above the average of the previous five years. The estimate of the post…

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